Tisa: A Specification Language Design and Modular Verification Technique for Web Services.

These pages describes work carried out on specification and modular verification of such non-functional properties as trust, data privacy for web services and service-oriented architectures. The PI is Hridesh Rajan and much of the work is carried out by Mehdi Bagherzadeh, Cavell Rodrigues, and Robert Dyer. This is a collaborative project with Gary T. Leavens from University of Central Florida.


Jan 2009: ESOP'09 paper on Tisa

Dec 2008: IEEE transactions on services computing (SOC) paper on Tisa

July 2008: New TR on greybox specification for web services.

Oct 2007: Mahantesh and Harish's paper accepted for NWeSP 2007.

Jun 2007: Mahantesh and Harish's paper accepted for IWSOSE 2007.


Hridesh Rajan

Hridesh Rajan is the principal investigator of the Tisa project. He is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the Iowa State University. His research interests are in software engineering, programming language design and implementation, and mobile ad hoc and sensor networks. He can be reached at hridesh@cs.iastate.edu.


Mehdi Bagherzadeh

Mehdi Bagherzadeh is a graduate student in the Department of Computer Science at Iowa State University, where he works with Dr. Hridesh Rajan. His research interests are in programming languages and software engineering. Mehdi is currently starting his research program in the Tisa project. He can be reached at mbagherz@iastate.edu.

Cavell Rodrigues

Cavell Rodrigues is a graduate student in the Department of Computer Science at Iowa State University, where she works with Dr. Hridesh Rajan. Her research interests are in programming languages and software engineering. Cavell is currently starting her research program in the Tisa project. She can be reached at cavellr@cs.iastate.edu.

Robert Dyer

Robert Dyer is a graduate student in the Department of Computer Science at Iowa State University , where he works with Dr. Hridesh Rajan. His research interests are in aspect-oriented software development, software engineering, and programming language design and implementation. Robert is currently leading the research efforts on the Nu project. He can be reached at rdyer@iastate.edu.

Harish Narayanappa

Harish Narayanappa is a graduate student in the Department of Computer Science at Iowa State University, , where he works with Dr. Hridesh Rajan. His research interests are in programming languages, software engineering, and databases. Harish is currently looking for a research topic. He can be reached at harish@cs.iastate.edu.

Yuly Suvorov

Yuly Suvorov is an undergraduate student at Iowa State University, where he works with Dr. Hridesh Rajan. He is interested in aspect-oriented programming. He is currently looking at analyzing the benefits of the Nu intermediate language model to the incremental compilation process of aspect-oriented programs. He can be reached at ysuvorov@cs.iastate.edu


Mahantesh Hosamani

Mahantesh Hosamani received his MS (Nov 2007) in Computer Science in the Department of Computer Science at Iowa State University, where he worked with Dr. Hridesh Rajan. His research interests at the time were in Verification techniques for Service Oriented Architectures and Secure Composition of Web Services. Mahantesh was leading the research efforts on the Tisa project. He can be reached at mahantes@cs.iastate.edu.