Sapha: Static Approximate Phase Analysis.

These pages describe work carried out on design implementation, and applications of a technique that we call static approximate phase analysis. The PI is Hridesh Rajan and much of the work is carried out by Tyler Sondag.


March 2011: Invited talk on phase-based tuning at SMART '11.

December 2010: Paper on Frances-A tool accepted for CCSC 2011.

November 2010: Paper on phase-guided tuning accepted for CGO 2011.

August 2010: Paper on cache analysis accepted for RTSS 2010.

January 2010: Tutorial on Frances tool accepted for CCSC 2010.

October 2009: Paper on Frances tool accepted for SIGCSE 2010.


Throughput is measured in terms of instructions committed over a fixed interval in execution time. Our more fin grained techniques improve throughput most since they more accurately assign the code to individual cores. However, this is at the cost of increased overhead.

Figure 1: Throughput improvement for variations of our technique.

  1. These results are shown in our latest technical report.