

Servers are naturally concurrent applications, they have to be able to respond to requests from clients at any point in time and can make no assumptions about when these requests arrive. Panini's features allow the programmer to write a server application as if he/she were writting a sequential program and get the concurrency needed to make the application viable in a real world setting via implicit concurrency. To illustrate we will be coding a simple EchoServer that simply repeats everything the clients say.


In capsule-oriented programming better design leads to better implicit concurrency, i.e. better designed programs often run faster, so it is valuable to start off with the architecture and design.

  1. Divide the problems into subproblems. In our case, the subproblems are:

    • accept incoming connections.
    • handle these connections accordingly.
    • for illustration purposes write a client program to help test the server.
    The Panini programmer specifies a system as a collection of capsules, signatures and ordinary object-oriented classes. A capsule is an abstraction for decomposing a software into its parts and a design block is a mechanism for composing these parts together. So the first order of business is to come up with this capsule-oriented design. This involves creating capsules and assigning subtasks to these capsules.

  2. Make key design decisions. In our case, we want our server to be able to respons to multiple quasi-simultaneous incoming requests with ease.

  3. Create capsules and assign responsibilities to capsules. We will start by defining the capsule EchoServer.

    capsule EchoServer {...}

    Now that we have a simple name to refer to the server we will define the capsule ConnectionHandler which needs to communicate with the server.

    capsule ConnectionHandler(EchoServer l){...}

    Now, as a separate program we define the client. As you can see bellow the EchoClient does not need to know about the capsule EchoServer, it will communicate with it via a custom network protocol that will be evident later.

    capsule EchoClient() {...}

  4. Integrate capsules to form a design block. Since we want our server to handle multiple connections at the same time it makes sense to have multiple such handlers.

    capsule EchoServer() {
      design {
        ConnectionHandler connHandlers[10];
        wireall(connHandlers, this);

    Every capsule can have a design block, it effectively marks the capsule as a high level component that is composed out of other capsules. In our case, the best choice would be to give the Pipeline capsule such a block.

    This declarative design block (lines 3-5) declares a set of 10 ConnectionHandler capsules. On line 4 we link all of these capsules to the current EchoServer capsule.

    Since the EchoClient program is composed only out of that one capsule it does not require a design block.


  1. Capsule EchoServer. The only thing that the server does is listen on port 8080 and accept a connection (line 19), when requested.

    capsule EchoServer() {
      design {
        ConnectionHandler connHandlers[10];
        wireall(connHandlers, this);
      ServerSocket ss; 
      => {
        try {
          ss = new ServerSocket(8080);
        } catch (IOException e){ e.printStackTrace(System.err); }
      Socket getConnection() {
        Socket s = null;
        try {
          s = ss.accept();
        } catch (IOException e){ e.printStackTrace(System.err); }
        return s;

    To allow other capsules to change its state, a capsule can provide capsule procedures, procedures for short. A capsule procedure is syntactically similar to methods in object-oriented languages, however, they are different semantically in two ways: first, a capsule procedures is by default public (although private helper procedures can be declared using the private keyword), and second a procedure invocation is guaranteed to be logically synchronous. In some cases, Panini may be able to run procedures in parallel to improve parallelism in Panini programs. Calls to a non-void external capsule procedure immediately returns a "future" value, while the procedure that is called runs concurrently. That value behaves exactly like normal values, so you won't need to modify your programs to make adjustments for it. When you need the actual value, and if the called procedure has completed running execution proceeds as usual, otherwise execution is blocked until the called procedure completes running.

    The => denotes a capsule initialization block. Every capsule may declare it. The semantics of the language ensure that it will be run before the capsule responds to any messages (procedure calls).

  2. Capsule ConnectionHandler. When a ConnectionHandler calls the getConnection procedure, the call returns immediately with a future representing the Socket object, and a task corresponding to the procedure body is queued for execution in the Host. When a worker attempts to use the socket in its handleConnection helper, it blocks until the Server provides the actual socket. A server that can handle variable size connections can also be implemented similarly by introducing a mediator capsule between Server and Worker.

    capsule ConnectionHandler(EchoServer server) {
      void run() {
        while (true) {
          Socket s = server.getConnection();
      void handleConnection(Socket s) { 
        try {
          PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(s.getOutputStream(), true);
          BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(s.getInputStream()));
          String clientInput;
          while ((clientInput = in.readLine()) != null) {
            System.out.println("client says: " + clientInput);
        } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); }

    Any capsule with a run procedure begins executing independently as soon as the initialization and interconnection of all capsules is complete and may generate calls to the procedures of other capsules. For example, capsule Pipeline will run the code on lines 3-8. Capsules without a run procedure, such as EchoServer, perform computation only when their procedures are invoked.

    The implementation of the handleConnection procedures should be easily understood by any Java programmer familiar with network communication. For any given connection, the handler will simply read all input and print it to the standard output.

  3. Capsule EchoClient. A client will simply open a connection to a running server through port 8080, send a "Hello Server!" and "Goodbye Server!" message, both times printing the server's response.
    capsule EchoClient() {...}
    import java.net.*;
    import java.io.*;
    capsule EchoClient() {
      Socket echoSocket = null; 
      PrintWriter out = null;
      BufferedReader in = null; 
      BufferedReader stdIn = null;
      void run() {
        try {
          out.println("Hello Server!");
          System.out.println("Server replied: " + in.readLine());
          out.println("" + System.currentTimeMillis() + ".");     
          System.out.println("Server replied: " + in.readLine());
          out.println("Good bye.");     
          System.out.println("Server replied: " + in.readLine());
        } catch (IOException e) { 
      private void open() {
        try {
          echoSocket = new Socket("localhost", 8080);
          out = new PrintWriter(echoSocket.getOutputStream(), true);
          in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(echoSocket.getInputStream()));
          stdIn = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
        } catch (UnknownHostException e) { 
        } catch (IOException e) { 
      private void close() {
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) { 

    As you can see, capsules can declare helper procedures: open (line 25) and close (line 38). These are accessible only by the owner capsule.


This code is very similar to how one would write a sequential program to model the same scenario, so the structure of this Panini program would be familiar to a sequential programmer. This code is also free of any concurrency-related concerns, such as setup and teardown threads, synchronization between the ConnectionHandlers to access the EchoServer's ServerSocket.

An example of implicit concurrency is the run procedure of the ConnectionHandler capsule. All ten capsules will ask the EchoServer capsule for a connection and once such a connection is obtained any other handler can go acquire another one without having to wait on any previous handlers to finish communicating with the clients.

When it is safe to exploit these sources of implicit concurrency, Panini compiler will automatically introduce parallelism to speedup this program without intervention from the programmer.

Page last modified on $Date: 2013/08/02 18:29:37 $